Mohammadpur Govt. College

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XI Class Admission 2024-2025


Professor Md. Humayun Kabir
Principal Mohammadpur Govt. College

Message from the Principal

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raahim

Heartiest welcome on behalf of Mohammadpur Govt. College. According to an order, notified by the Ministry of Education, the then Govt. Commercial Institute was converted into Mohammadpur Govt. College on 12th May 2016. This year Mohammadpur Govt. College has stepped into 3rd year successfully. Although in the 1st session of 2016-17 around 750 students were admitted, in 2017-18 session the total enrolment became 1000 where the brilliant and meritorious students of science, humanities and business studies groups including having GPA – 5 were admitted. We are hopeful that in the current session 2018-19, we will be able to enroll the students who attained brilliant result. We expect that the enrolled students here will secure the best result in HSC exam and make Mohammadpur Govt. College one of the most famous educational institutions throughout the country. Sufficient number of responsible, creative, innovative, skilled, trained, experienced teachers from BCS Education Cadre are showing their expertise in teaching here. There are the facilities of multimedia classrooms, well-equipped with modern sound system and separate labs with highly sophisticated apparatus for each and every science-related departments. The former ICT lab has recently been digitalized and modernized. There are plenty of ventilation facility and adequate number of lights and fans in each room. There is a big library for the students of Mohammadpur Govt. College furnished with all kinds of modern amenities with a rich collection of books. There is the opportunity for the students to participate in indoor games and cultural activities for their physical and mental growth and to express their latent talent. There is a standard and hygienic canteen for the students. In addition to that, the college authority has arranged the facility of pure drinking water for the students. Besides, a common room and a prayer room have been allocated for the female students. CCTV monitoring system has lately been launched in order to supervise and surveil the whole campus closely. It is mandatory for the students to enter into the college within 8.30 am. Within the mentioned time, they have to take biometric attendance. Otherwise, the students’ absence information is sent instantly to the respective guardian through mobile SMS. A highly active and dynamic vigilance team works everyday relentlessly and tirelessly in order to monitor the overall law and order situation and teaching environment.

An honest and earnest effort is always given to solve the problems of the students by calling an instant general meeting as well as academic council meeting with the teachers and the heads of the departments respectively. The decisions undertaken there are implemented in the shortest possible time. Parents’ meeting with the college authority is arranged in every three months where the intended participants discuss the problems of the students, their overall performance and the way how to achieve better output through brain-storming. Half-yearly and yearly exams are taken in HSC 1st year according to the academic calendar. The failed students are in no way promoted to 2nd year. In this respect, the college authority is highly strict, stern and transparent. All the class tests of every group are taken on the same day under the strong supervision of the respective exam committees and every student has to pass in each subject individually. If the authority feels it necessary, the teachers take extra classes and practical classes in order to make the students reach the pinnacle of success. Everyday, before the beginning of 1st class the national anthem is performed, oath is taken to get the students inspired in patriotism. The class teachers give counseling to the students against religious extremism, abuse of drugs and various other moral issues. Besides, a close monitoring committee has been formed to motivate the students and build a moral and spiritual relationship among the teachers and the students. There is a provision of stipend for the poor but meritorious students. Maintaining dress code for both male and female students is a must. The smokers are in no way





Mohammadpur Govt. College

College Introduction

Mohammadpur Govt. College is located at the vital place of Dhaka city with the hope of creating knowledge, discipline and a spirit of patriotic zeal. Mohammadpur Govt. College starts its journey replacing the old Govt. Commercial Institute on 12th May 2016. The college is situated beside Saat Masjid Road on an area of about 1.92 acres. Mohammadpur Govt. College is now being run with one administrative building, sufficient number of classrooms along with all kinds of facilities of being an educational institution.

There are 400 seats for science, 400 for business studies and another 200 for humanities group totaling 1000. In addition to subject-based teaching, various co-curricular activities are included in the all-inclusive activities of the college.

Mohammadpur Govt. College is quite capable of satisfying the demand of standard education through an enriched library, air-conditioned computer lab, biometric presence of the students, CCTV monitoring system, an effective academic calendar etc. Moreover, playground, internal sports room, trained physical instructor are the facilities available here to create a congenial atmosphere for the physical development of the students. There are rover scout and girls’ guide too. Debating club, language club and cultural practice along with dance, song, acting, recitation etc. are arranged here with regular intervals. There are a number of brilliant, dedicated, trained, experienced and cordial teachers in the college who are striving relentlessly with diligence and perseverance in order to upgrade the standard of the students. It is to be noted here that the 1st batch of 2016-17 session have completed HSC exam this year and 2nd batch of 2017-18 session have been promoted with distinction from HSC 1st year to 2nd year.

Under the effective guidance, judicious decision and charismatic leadership of the present Principal Professor Humayun Kabir, all the teachers, the staffs, the guardians and the students are making a concerted and earnest effort to bring about an overall development of the college, to meet up the objectives of SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) of the government and after all, to achieve the highest and a commendable result in HSC level. The level of standard of the college from each and every corner is increasing enviously day by day.

কলেজ পরিচিতি

জাতীয় শিক্ষা কমিশন, ১৯৫৯-এর সুপারিশের আলোকে সরকারি-বেসরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য সুদক্ষ অফিসকর্মী গড়ে তোলার লক্ষ্যে ১৯৬৫-১৯৬৭ সালে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সাহায্য সংস্থা USAID-এর আর্থিক ও কারিগরি সহায়তায় দেশের তৎকালীন ১৬টি জেলায় গভঃ কমার্শিয়াল ইনস্টিটিউট স্থাপন করা হয়। রাজধানী ঢাকার প্রাণকেন্দ্র মোহাম্মদপুরের সাতমসজিদ রোডে ২.৯২ একর জমির উপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত ঢাকা গভঃ কমার্শিয়াল ইনস্টিটিউট ছিল এদের মধ্যে অন্যতম। এ প্রতিষ্ঠানের নির্মাণকাজ শুরু হয় ১৯৬৫ সালে এবং শেষ হয় ১৯৬৭ সালে। ঐ একই বছর গভঃ কর্মাশিয়াল ইনস্টিউিটের শিক্ষা কার্যক্রম শুরু হয়। একটি প্রশাসনিক ভবন, দুটি একাডেমিক ভবন, একটি ছাত্র হোস্টেল, অধ্যক্ষের বাসভবন, খেলার মাঠ, বাগান, পার্কসহ বিশাল অবকাঠামো নিয়ে যাত্রা শুরু করে প্রতিষ্ঠানটি।

ই-বুক কর্নার